Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Facebook's true power revealed to Mr. Stirfry on April Fools Day

 I heard about this and felt really bad for this restaurant and the people that work there. Apparently, someone thought it would be a funny joke on April 1 to post a picture on Facebook. The picture showed a box of Chinese food with what appeared to be a baby mouse inside. The chain has lost 1/3 of its normal business in the last couple weeks due to this accusation. Upon further investigation the photo was found to be a fake, used on other websites such as

This was definitely an epic fail on the part of whoever posted this photo. I don't know why they haven't told us who this person was, but I would be embarrassed if it were me. I can't believe some people. Facebook and other social media are powerful and can get you sued, and this person has learned that the hard way.

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  1. A FB friend reposted the pic that day & I clicked & the original poster immediately said "April Fools!" in the comment section. That's too bad Mr. Stirfry has lost business, but it's also too bad the guy is getting sued because, basically, ppl are idiots & believe everything they see on the web w/o even attempting to find the truth. Great article! Thanks, Im going to start following this story.

  2. Mr. Stirfry got a bad rap. Thanks for reporting about this.
